Grove Place II, involves the proposed rehabilitation of 22 existing scattered site units and the new construction of 14 units, creating a total of 36 units of affordable rental housing for general occupancy households in the Hollygrove neighborhood, west of downtown New Orleans, OrleansParish, Louisiana, conveniently located within 1 mile radius of grocery store, medical clinics, elementary/middle school, highschools and university and public transportation. These units will consist of single family, doubles, duplexes and fourplexes. Grove Place II has already received a competitive 9% housing tax credit award.
Grove Place, 100% affordable development, is the first phase of the subject site with 32 units completed Jan 2024. The project comprises 32 units within 11 residential buildings on one block east of the intersection of Monroe Street and Earhart Boulevard, also in the Hollygrove neighborhood.